Mark Warner: No room to talk on Transportation

Sen. Mark Warner, who seems awful interested in state politics for a federal elected official, wants to compare records on transportation with Gov. Bob McDonnell.

McDonnell’s plan includes accelerating $3 billion in bond money into road projects.

That’s exactly $3 billion more than any Mark Warner accomplishment in transportation.

Mark Warner says McDonnell’s plan is not “fiscally conservative.” (WaPo)

Amazing that Mark Warner never complained about these bonds when they were initially approved by Tim Kaine, who Warner thinks would be just perfect to serve in the US Senate (WaPo).

So, using $3 billion of bonds for roads is fine for Kaine but the same bonds are somehow wrong for McDonnell? Somehow the Washington Post didn’t ask that question.

Mark Warner, whose record on transportation was so poor that Northern Virginia voted against his tax increase for roads.

The People’s Republic of Northern Virginia voted against a road plan. Great job, Mark! I never thought that was possible until you came along.

Of course, when you raised taxes on everyone two years later, you didn’t raise a penny for transportation.

Now it’s suddenly your favorite topic?

Mark, next time you pick a topic for criticism, pick one that you had at least a smidgen of success in.

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