Maybe it’s the Developers brother’s house?

According to the Washington Examiner, an anti-Walmart protest group has published this flyer with the home address of the developer. This screen shot was taken from their website. The flyer isn’t there anymore. But, as they say, nothing ever really disappears on the Internet.

But, take a look at the flyer. The graphic has the Walmart trademark smiley face in the crosshairs. And before we covered it up, it had the street address of the developer’s home.

In case you haven’t figured it out, this is not a Tea Party sponsored group.

It is somewhat reminiscent of the same stupid move by a Tea Party supporter last year who thought he was posting Tom Perriello’s address and mistakenly posted that of Perriello’s brother.

Someone should tell the developer to check his gas lines.

We called it inappropriate and stupid then. We’re calling it inappropriate and stupid now.

Sarah Palin was unavailable for comment.

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