Saslaw and “magic bullets”

From the Richmond Times-Dispatch comes this reaction to Gov. Bob McDonnell’s State of the Commonwealth address by Senate Democratic Leader Dick Saslaw of Fairfax:

“He was going to drill offshore — that didn’t happen; put tolls on the interstates — that didn’t happen; sell the ABC stores — it didn’t happen. There are no magic bullets.”

Bear in mind, that’s Saslaw’s reaction following McDonnell saying this in last night’s speech:

We continue to pray for Congresswoman Giffords, and the others who were wounded or killed.

And we stand together tonight and make clear that this grand experiment in liberty that we call America will never be shaken or silenced by the cowardly actions of any one person, group or nation. That is true now. It was true ten years ago on September 11th, and it was true seventy years ago at Pearl Harbor.

Freedom defeats tyranny. Ideas conquer violence. Courage is stronger than fear….

As this Session commences today let us resolve, together, to use the precious time God has given us to make life better for all Virginians. Let us remember that before we are Republicans and Democrats, we are Americans and Virginians.

We are bound together here in the cradle of democracy by a Virginia birthright far greater than any political Party. For in these still tough times, over 8 million Virginians want results, not rhetoric; they want solutions, not politics. Let us fight strongly for our principles, but also embrace an atmosphere of civility and mutual respect as we strive to follow the golden rule.

To call Saslaw’s comments insensitive and inappropriate is mild. Perhaps the senator will put his partisan blinders down some day and attempt to do things for the good of the commonwealth, as opposed to the good of himself and his political party.

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