Ben Marchi Leaves AFP-VA

What the hell is Americans For Prosperity?  Four years ago, that would have been a serious question.  Today, just ask (former) Congressman Rick Boucher whether AFP-VA matters.

Ben Marchi announced his departure today from AFP-VA, and the list of accomplishments is worthwhile.  Rising from literally nothing, AFP-VA has scalps — and that’s a claim that few state fiscal conservatives groups can manage to brag about.

At an AFP-VA staff meeting, Ben Marchi reminds others that he is a direct descendent of the mountain man Jim Bridger...

I’ve known Marchi for a number of years.  Everything he touches seems to turn either to gold… or a big baseball bat with a spike through it.

In fact, the workers deep in the Bearing Drift Vaults have video of this phenomenon in action:

You think we kid?

It’s about the political version of clubbing baby seals.

So go ahead.  Ask someone who wants to raise taxes in Virginia whether they want to take on AFP-VA head on.  Nice to have a prizefighter in your corner… and in a state where worthwhile campaign operatives on the right are preciously thin, Marchi is one of the best we have in Virginia.

Best of luck in your future endeavors, Ben.

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