Too Conservative: Rumblings at RPV?

From over at Too Conservative we find that RPV is chalking up $319K in debt as of mid-October:

Sure, Republicans won big statewide, but how and when are they going to pay this debt off? Especially when they have to abide by the federal campaign limits of $2100 per person? Between this and the ongoing financial mess at the RNC (including this one that Establishment Ken will appreciate – big spending on conventions), it sure does look like the Republican establishment is still hellbent on spending up a storm for thier own edification.

Of course, this didn’t go unnoticed by the Democrats at Blue Virginia.  Last weekend’s $85/plate dinner at the Advance probably put a dent in this debt, but after seeing Kate Obenshain and RPV under Ed Gillespie and Charlie Judd pull RPV back from the brink and into solvency just to watch RPV slide back into six-figure debt right before the 2011 elections, this sure worries me.

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