November E-zine: Virginia Congressional Election Recaps

Last month we asked you if Virginia Republicans could recapture that which was lost in 2008. We wrote:

“Three Democrats, aided greatly by Obamania, face a very different political landscape in 2010 – namely because voters now know who they are and how they vote on legislation. Add to the mix an embattled 14-term Democratic incumbent, and you have the makings of another huge swing in Virginia’s representation in the U.S. House.”

While the GOP didn’t capture all four seats, they managed to snatch 3 out of 4, including ending the 28-year fiefdom of Rick Boucher. They gained back exactly the number of seats they lost in 2008.

But what of these victories? Is Virginia now red?

This article originally appeared in the November Issue of “Virginia Politics On Demand“.
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