Cuccinelli vs. Client #9

It’s a bit awkward, as is every Parker-Spitzer show, but the video is definitely worth a look. Pretty ironic that client #9 lectures our sitting Attorney General on the rule of law..

This is how I see Obamacare:

1. Is it Constitutional? I’m not a lawyer or Constitutional scholar but I do know the founding fathers wrote that document with the intention of preventing a corrupt government from encroaching on the liberties of its people. Forcing the American people to purchase anything is simply unjust. The parallels to obtaining car insurance is a ridiculous argument. No one is forced to purchase a car, if you don’t want to buy insurance then don’t drive a car.

2. Should Obamacare be law? Absolutely not. Should it be repealed? Unequivocally yes. The people clearly do not want it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the whole debate on health care is astroturfing. Yes, people slip through the cracks and tragedies occur because of coverage problems. Health insurance companies make mistakes and difficult decisions that can hurt people. However, these incidents are few and far between. It is not a perfect system by any means, but the vast majority of people are generally happy with the coverage they receive now.

There are things we can do to correct it, like tort reform and allowing health care companies to cross state lines and open it up more to the free market. I know for a fact my health insurance rates are going up next year because of Obamacare and my coverage is going down, I suspect yours is too.

People like the Emperor’s Club VIP in this clip don’t understand how this country works or what the people want in their government. Whether it’s within the court system or through legislative action when we get a Republican President, Obamacare must be repealed.

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