Nye ducks debate at Tea Party Convention

Looks like Glenn Nye didn’t want to have to go to yet another location where he’d have to answer pointed questions about his inadequate performance…in Congress.

He’s going to wander Phoebus instead.

He finally had a chance to appear before voters who are legitimately annoyed at the growth of government in order to explain why his brand of fiscal responsibility is better than his competitors; instead, he’s going to duck the potential discomfort to browse for antiques.

That’s o.k., Glenn…I think we understand.

He may miss us in the morning, but we’re still going to the debate Saturday night. Maybe I’ll bring back with me some of the questions that get asked at the morning’s event – and if Nye has any backbone, he’ll answer those questions when I pose them to him tomorrow night…provided we’re afforded the opportunity and he’s not whisked away to another antique store.

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