Virginia contemplates four-day work week for State Employees

In a move that could save the Commonwealth of Virginia millions of dollars, a proposal is being considered that would allow state employees to have a day off work on Fridays. This proposal came at the recommendation of the Governor Bob McDonnell’s Reform and Restructuring Commission.

The Washington Post reports that state employees would work four ten hour days, instead of the typical five eight hour day schedule. The proposed schedule would not apply to law enforcement, museum workers, public health employees, and those in higher education. The proposal would help cut down on energy costs and cutting back on overtime pay.

Currently, the Virginia Forestry Department in Charlottesville participates in the four-day workweek and has saved $31,223 in costs and employees have considered it a benefit to participate in this program. Similarly, the four-hour workweek has been widely popular in Utah, where the state saved $1 million. There has been no loss in wages due to this move and everyone is able to maintain their salaries.

While this could generate more money for the Commonwealth’s budget, there are some critics who view this proposal in negative light, as services to urban areas in the Commonwealth might be harder to access.

Only time will tell if this proposal will generate the results, but it is a step in the right direction towards saving the Commonwealth money.

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