National Review highlights Connolly

The conservative publication “National Review” used Virginia’s Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11) to illustrate the conflict the Obama administration and Pelosi/Reid Democrats might have in ending the Bush tax cuts.

While Connolly has been a rumber-stamp for most of Obama’s liberal agenda, riding the president’s coat-tails to victory in 2008, National Review highlight’s Connolly’s recent conversion to fiscal discipline, now that Obama is not at the top of the ticket.

“Connolly began to voice his concern as early as January 2010, when White House officials were preparing the ten-year budget plan. Now, with a number of Democratic candidates in tough races coming out in favor of extending the Bush tax cuts, Connolly appears something of a trendsetter, ” writes Andrew Stiles. “Connolly was a reliable vote for Democrats in his first term, supporting all of the Obama administration’s key policy initiatives, such as the federal stimulus package, health-care reform, cap-and-trade legislation, and financial reform.”

Can anyone say “election year conversion”?

While I understand the National Review wanting to show conflict amongst national Democrats over tax policy – Virginia’s 11th District voters should make no mistake: Gerry Connolly is still a liberal.

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