Glenn Nye Tries Re-Writing History; Loses Ad Round One

[Updated 8/26/10] Lowell at Blue Virginia has smacked Nye across the face for this ad as well…when your first ad pisses off your base, your chances at re-election at next to nothing. Nye is doomed if he can only get the independent vote.

Glenn Nye’s first salvo in what is sure to be on the most expensive Congressional races in the country has infuriated the left. In the ad, while highlighting his vote against the health care bill (progressives love hearing how much you hate them!) he claims to have voted against the Wall Street bailout.

The problem?

TARP was voted on BEFORE Glenn Nye got into office. Whoops.

Nye is claiming that his vote for bigger government in the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform bill was a vote to end bailouts for Wall Street banks. Also, because he voted with the majority in January 2009 on a failed attempt to stop the release of TARP, he counts that as well.

Just one more problem…

I’d link to Glenn Nye’s ad but unfortunately his campaign team doesn’t know how to utilize youtube. It’s on facebook somewhere.

The week goes to Rigell.

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