Beatles singer needs Help

Yesterday, obviously after a Hard Day’s Night, former Beatle Paul McCartney needed a little Help. With comment he made about the oil spill in the gulf (“We need disasters like this”), I was sure he was headed Back to the USSR. Heck, I’d let him Drive My Car Eight Days a Week to get there if he promised he’d never Get Back.

But Helter Skelter was Here, There and Everywhere when Paul wouldn’t just Let It Be and added this comment:

“Some people don’t believe in climate warning — like those who don’t believe there was a Holocaust. (Fox)”

So, in Paul’s world, if we can’t Come Together with a Ticket To Ride on the global warming bandwagon, you’re a Nazi sympathizer. I Should’ve Known Better than to think a musician would know this, but the only reason Al Gore isn’t the most discredited public figure today is Tom Cruise won’t drop the top ranking. Oh, if you haven’t heard the latest about about Gore telling his massage therapist “Please Please Me,” you’re missing Something for the next great Paperback Writer.

In My Life, that’s a step too far down the Long And Winding Road.

McCartney’s an intellectual Nowhere Man. I’m sure he’d like me to see the Taxman well past When I’m 64, but With A Little Help From My Friends, we’re going to put a stop to Obama’s Revolution. Only after We Can Work It Out by making Obama sing I’m A Loser to Michelle will I Feel Fine.

One thing is clear: global warming is the closest to a Magical Mystery Tour we’re ever gonna see!

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