Gerry Connolly forgets that Congress controls the budget

By now most of you have seen the video showing Gerry Connolly (D-11) completely perplexed that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke doesn’t agree there are no potential cuts in the record-breaking, pork-filled, bloated federal budget. If you haven’t, here is the video with the shining star of the Democratic Party class of 2008:


CONNOLLY: I’m telling you, they don’t have an open mind. They have publicly expressed that they do not favor — you know, they’re all for deficit reduction as long as anything having to do with revenue is off the table. Can we get to serious deficit reduction — change that trajectory you talked about — if we eliminate half of the ledger sheet?

BERNANKE: Well, theoretically you could if you cut enough, but it would be very difficult to do that.

CONNOLLY: Is there enough spending to be cut?

BERNANKE: Of course! I mean … [laughs]

CONNOLLY: National defense, homeland security?

BERNANKE: That’s your judgment, that’s the Congress’ judgment. That’s not my judgment.

CONNOLLY: Ah. Um … it must be nice to be an economist.

A couple of thoughts: first, any congressman on the House Budget Committee who thinks there is nothing worth cutting in the federal budget is beyond naïve, he is incompetent. Second, this fits right into how his GOP opponent, Keith Fimian, has been painting Connolly as an out-of-touch tax-and-spend liberal.

“Gerry Connolly is the poster boy for the damage that reckless career politicians are doing in Washington,” Fimian said. “He has rubber stamped Nancy Pelosi’s big government agenda 97 percent of the time, including the $800 billion failed stimulus, the job killing cap-and-trade energy tax scheme, hundreds of billions in new taxes, and the trillion dollar government health care debacle.”

“And if his record wasn’t bad enough, Connolly’s recent question to an astonished Chairman Bernanke, ‘is there enough spending to be cut?,’ is beyond belief,” Fimian said. “Connolly has overseen trillions in new spending yet he remains clueless. Statements like this make clear Gerry Connolly is exactly the problem in Washington and exactly the type of big spending, big government politician that is bankrupting our nation.”

The Washington Examiner also called out Connolly in a scathing editorial.

As did Hot Air

As did Liberty Central

And many, many more sites.

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