Loyola to take loyalty oath to the people of the 2nd District

This Saturday at 7 p.m. at the Virginia Beach Town Center Fountain, Ben Loyola is going to publicly take the following pledge:

“If you, the voters of the Second Congressional District are willing to place your faith in me to serve and represent you in the House of Representatives, these are my words of honor to you.”

I pledge to…
• Vote against any tax or fee increases
• Support the elimination of the estate tax (Death Tax).
• Introduce and support legislation to eliminate all subsidies.
• Support legislation to repeal the Obama health care initiative.
• Support legislation opposing the Cap and Trade initiative.
• Introduce and support legislation to eliminate corporate taxes.
• Introduce and support legislation to eliminate the Income Tax.
• Introduce and support legislation for a mandatory balanced budget.
• Introduce and support legislation to eliminate the Department of Education.
• Only support a military invasion of another sovereign nation by a Declaration of War.
• Support legislation to counter provisions established by the Supreme Court’s ruling on eminent domain and private property rights. Private property should never be condemned for economic development purposes benefiting third parties or developers.
• Only support new spending initiatives that are matched by a two-to-one reduction in areas of non-defense, discretionary spending.
• Fully support the enforcement of laws that protect the United States from the invasion of illegal aliens. There is but one way to become a citizen in this country and that is by following the law.

~ Resign from office if any of these promises are broken ~

I now will sign this contract between me, Ben Loyola, and you, the American people.

A notarized copy of this pledge will be placed in the office of the Clerk of Court in Virginia Beach, Virginia, as a document of public record.

Stunt? Good politics? Will it matter?

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