Gary Byler Wins Re-Election as VA-02 Chair

Today 380 delegates from the 2nd District assembled in Virginia Beach to select the 2nd District Chairman to preside over this year’s crucial 2010 election, as well as re-districting and the local legislature races in 2011. After a half hour of voting and tabulation, Gary Byler emerged with a decisive victory, receiving 221 votes, with a weighted total of 531.16, or 59% of the vote, to Bruce’s 154 votes, weighted total of 346.33, 38.5% of the vote.

Voting Returns:

If you believe in trends, based off of Bruce’s returns of 34% in 2008, at the approximate pace Bruce would potentially win back the 2nd District chair in 2016 or so.

To their credit and the dismay of many hacks in the audience, the proceedings were very cordial. No attacks during the program were noted, either in remarks by the candidates or by their representatives.

Gary Byler – 59%
Bruce Meyer – 38.5%

original post:
Waiting on official weighted totals.

Gary won every city.

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