WaPo and VaPilot hypocrites on Cuccinelli

Newspapers have a new rule. If Ken Cuccinelli demands documents from public sources, they oppose it. The Virginian-Pilot calls it “harassment” and the Washington Post calls it a “chilling assault.”

Guess who demands documents at a clip that would make even Cuccinelli blush?

The Washington Post and the Virginian-Pilot.

These newspapers pelt government offices repeatedly for emails, documents, agendas, minutes and even text messages searching for stories. If their sudden policies have changed and requests for government documents are suddenly “chilling assaults” and “harassment,” they better gather what few reporters they have left and let them know.

I think one of them just checked in at the Virginia Beach FOIA office. That reporter should know the untold harassment and assault the newspaper thinks he is conducting.

If anyone stood in the way of the press gaining access to public documents, they’d scream to high heaven. But they’re more than willing to applaud, urge and rally around the University of Virginia and telling them to fight the request for documents related to government funding.

The WaPo says “the university should immediately challenge the attorney general’s ‘civil investigative demand’ for documents.”

Great precedent, WaPo! Which requests of yours should be denied as well?

“There’s no reason for Cuccinelli to insert himself into that conversation,” says the Virginian-Pilot.

Great precedent, VP. Do you want others deciding which conversations you insert yourself into? I hereby decide you no longer are allowed to endorse political candidates. Happy?

Hint for newspapers – don’t advocate restrictions on Cuccinelli’s access to public information that you aren’t willing to apply to yourselves.

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