Gov. McDonnell kicks off Hampton Roads Visions Regional Day

I’m at the Chesapeake Conference Center for a huge event of regionalism. Vision Hampton Roads is the impetus, fostering a 5-year economic development strategy to impact job growth and quality of life for Hampton Roads. Gov. Bob McDonnell is the keynote speaker and there is easily 500-600 folks seated for the event and others milling about.

For those regionally interested, the website for the organization is

The odd part of the ceremony is the “Declaration of Interdependence” which is an odd choice for a name. Says some potentially counterproductive things like “disagreement…must not be permitted to impede constructive discussion.” Well, that’s true, but discussion doesn’t impede discussion. Those who disagree LOVE discussion. Anyway…

The Town Crier just announced McDonnell’s arrival. Stay tuned!

Town Crier is engaging in a roll call vote of towns, cities and counties to forgo self-interest and work together for mutual regional goals. Shockingly, every city votes yes with no debate. So much for “discussion.”

Thelma Drake intros the Gov. Standing O for Bobby McD.

McDonnell does a really good walk through history of regional battles of the past and lays a groundwork to cooperate. No teleprompters, and he has a written speech, but rarely glances at it. McDonnell knows the region and the state and is extemporaneously got the crowd in his palm.

Lays out his own goals. Making Virginia the most veteran-friendly state to reward those who pay the unique price of freedom. Still firm on offshore energy. Makes a hard push for modeling and simulation and research and development.

Cites California’s “lousy business climate” in his work of attracting California companies to Virginia. Hey, Arnold!

Which leads to his successful work to create jobs like the successful film production incentives and Governor’s Opportunity Fund. McDonnell says he has more tools than any governor in Virginia history to tell our story and attract companies and jobs to Virginia and expand existing opportunities.

In all, a supportive speech carrying on his “Bob’s for Jobs” campaign mantra, and is prepared to play his leadership part in doing so.

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