Ballot order final for June GOP primary in Virginia’s 2nd

Ballot order for the 2nd Congressional District GOP nomination primary has been set.

In order from first to last:

  • Ben Loyola
  • E. Scott Rigell
  • Bert K. Mizusawa
  • Jessica D. Sandlin
  • Scott W. Taylor
  • Ed C. Maulbeck

The first four names indicate being received by Chairman Gary Byler at Noon, 12:01PM, 12:02PM and 12:03PM on March 23.

Sandlin argues that all of these petitions were, indeed, turned in simultaneously and that some sort of drawing should have taken place.

“The 2nd District Chair didn’t follow the rules outlined by the state,” claims David Beemer, Sandlin’s Treasurer.

In an email exchange with the State Board of Elections, Matthew Abell of the Election Services Division responded:

“Nothing in Title 24.2 grants [the] State Board the authority to question the certification performed by the Chair [of the district]….The Code of Virginia was followed in this matter.”

The Sandlin campaign is considering filing a complaint.

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