Mataconis: An Open Letter to Governor McDonnell

I concur with Doug Mataconis’ proposal to change Confederate History Month to “Civil War” History Month next year.

Doug lays out his argument in an open letter to the governor today, and he is not just critical of the governor’s first-draft ommission of slavery from the proclamation:

“It’s worth noting that in his Cornerstone Speech in March 1861, Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens called slavery and the subjugation of an entire race to be the cornerstone upon which the Confederate States of America were founded. Setting aside a day [from J.R. – let alone a month!] to commemorate such a government, or even just Virginia’s involvement in that government, is not in fitting with the image that Virginia, one of the birth places of the American Revolution and home to some of it’s greatest Presidents, should be projecting to the rest of the United States and the world.”

Jim Riley also provides his thoughts.

“We cannot forget, nor should we forget the war that literally pitted brother against brother — some families such as the Crittendens and Terrills had brothers who were brigadier generals on opposing sides – resulting in the greatest spillage of American blood at the hands of one another. By broadening the context to include both Union and Confederate, it will bring to light the full history and deepen everyone’s understanding of the conflict as it relates to Virginia.”

We live at a time where it is important to remember the totality of our shared Virginia Heritage – and that includes its ties to Slavery, the Union and the Confederacy.

Governor McDonnell knows this well.

In order to fully appreciate and understand the context of that dark period of time in our national history, we should commemorate it not by dedicating it to one side that fought in that war, but remember the period itself.

I support both Mataconis and Riley and continue my call to change Lee-Jackson Day to Virginia Heritage Day.

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