DNC and the Union Bosses show some love for Connolly

It’s never fails to amaze me when certain politicians look out for special interests rather than listening to their constituents. However, when your own Congressman votes in favor of the health care reform legislation, you have to begin looking at why he voted for a bill that will impact your liberties to choose whether or not to have health care coverage and places increased taxes on businesses (especially small businesses, who are more likely unable to afford coverage for their employees).

Recently, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11th) voted in favor of the health care legislation. In return for his vote, the Democratic National Committee and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) aired television ads praising Connolly for his recent vote in favor of his vote to push through government run health care. One has to ask: Who does Connolly represent? The Labor Unions or the residents of the 11th Congressional District? Connolly has received $15,000 from AFSCME, according to a recent FEC report.

Keith Fimian, who is one of the Republican candidates running for Congress in the 11th District, released the following statement on the recent airing of these television ads:

“It didn’t take long for the DNC and labor union bosses to payback Gerry Connolly for his support of their budget-busting big government healthcare takeover,” Fimian said. “It is clear who Gerry Connolly serves—apparently anyone who promises him campaign contributions or political favors.”

“Gerry Connolly was there for the trillion dollar stimulus boondoggle, he was there for job-killing cap-and-trade, and most recently he was there for healthcare. In fact, he’s been there for Nancy Pelosi 97 percent of the time,” Fimian said. “It should come as no surprise that Pelosi and the DNC would payback a dependable liberal like Gerry Connolly.”

“Given the thousands of dollars labor union bosses are spending on advertising praising Gerry Connolly, it is clear that Connolly will be a strong supporter of job destroying forced unionization,” Fimian added. “Card check will destroy jobs, and Gerry Connolly and other liberal career politicians will vote against the wishes and interests of the voters because of their desire to win re-election, regardless of the consequences for our nation.”

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