The cost of the Virginia Healthcare lawsuit, and the Democratic response

Last year, the Democratic Party and Steve Shannon called a special session proposed by then Sen. Ken Cuccinelli and approved by part-time Governor now full-time DNC Chair Tim Kaine, a “political gimmick”.

Well, that political gimmick, resulted in a law that keeps drunk drivers and drug addicts from getting off scott-free because some analyst can’t appear in court.

This year, after bipartisan approval of the Virginia Healthcare Freedom Act, which included an “aye” vote from none other than Del. Ward “Statewide” Armstrong, the Democratic Leader, the Democratic Party of Virginia has found in its infinite wisdom the necessity to characterize enforcement (i.e., protection of each individual Virginian’s right to NOT buy health insurance if they don’t NEED, WANT, or CAN’T AFFORD it) of said law as a “political stunt.”

They claim that the Virginia Attorney General enforcing Virginia law is a waste of taxpayer money.

Come again?

In the parallel universe that Democrats live in, I guess laws are meant to be broken?

Well, the Republican Party of Virginia did some excellent cost analysis today to find out exactly how much this lawsuit is costing Virginia taxpayers.

* ObamaCare’s cost to Virginia over next 12 years: $1.1 billion

* Cost of Virginia’s lawsuit to stop ObamaCare: $350.
No paid outside counsel, no witnesses, no depositions. Just the filing fee.

* ObamaCare: Roughly 3 percent of the state’s annual budget.

* Lawsuit to stop ObamaCare: Roughly one 64 GB iPod touch.

Go figure.

Now, here’s my question: how much has that inane, churlish and petulant robo-calling of the Attorney General’s office by the Democratic Party of Virgina and organized by Del. Dave Englin cost Virginia taxpayers?

I’d wager a hell of a lot more than $350.

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