5th District Lynchburg Tea Party Nut Job Crosses the Line

I wish I had a ‘so stupid you can’t make it up’ category tonight.

Posted on Politico:

A tea party organizer angry over Rep. Tom Perriello’s (D-Va.) vote in favor of health care reform published what he thought was the freshman member’s home address on a blog, in case any readers “want to drop by” and provide a “personal touch” to their views.

Rather than giving out Perriello’s address however, the tea party activist instead mistakenly printed the home address of the congressman’s brother. Perriello’s brother and wife have four children under the age of eight.

The post was written by a member of the Lynchburg Tea Party. When contacted by Politico and informed of the wrong information, the author said:

“If they would like to provide me with the address of Tom, then I’d be more than happy to take it down,” he said. “I have no reason to believe it’s not his house.”

Besides common sense you mean? Oh wait…

Troxel, a 2005 graduate of Liberty University, added “I was a journalism major in college, so I have every reason to believe my research is accurate.”
Troxel found the address through a directory website…

Google search counts as authoritative research these days apparently.

Tea Party folks, it’s morons like this that continue to give you a bad name. Sending Perriello handcuffs in the mall due to his quote is an act of brilliance. Stupid stunts like posting the address of his brother, who has four small children? Then crediting your degree as a reason your research is sound?…Wow. If any of you know Mike Troxel smack him across the face and help him realize his stupidity. What an idiot.

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