McDonnell Seeking Advice as He Considers Calling a Special Session

The Washington Post reports that Gov. McDonnell is considering calling a special session of the General Assembly to deal with the issues of transportation and government reform.

The governor also revealed that he has been in contact with Governors Mitch Daniels of Indiana and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana to consult with them about some solutions that they are successfully implementing in their states to deal with these issues.

Gov. McDonnell also discussed the connection between implementing governmental reform and restoring some of the budget that was cut in this years session. By implementing governmental reform, McDonnell will acquire significant savings for the Commonwealth that, according to McDonnell will,”..take the savings and put it back into restoring the cuts,..”

Governors Daniels and Jindal have implemented similar governmental reforms in their respective states and by many accounts, these reforms have gone a long way in providing creative fixes for their state’s budget woes. McDonnell is wise to consult with these governors.

Furthermore, it is laudable that Gov. McDonnell is pursuing governmental reform. The sheer amounts of waste that often go into government budgets is unreal to say the least. Getting some genuine accountability will be helpful to the state and will likely produce results that we can all appreciate.

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