Draconian Cuts Ahead

I just read today in the Virginian Pilot of a massive cut planned that will impact the life of every man, woman and child. These are certainly tough times, and tough choices I know have to be made, but some cuts are just so draconian I expect to see massive editorials in the major newspapers decrying this cut.

Social services workers will be quoted talking about how it will impact their daily lives for the foreseeable future. McDonnell will be called “cruel” and “heartless” for tolerating such a cut.

Even though mathematically the cut figures to be just over 4%, teachers unions will lobby and attack the cut as “hurting the children” and saying the impact will go beyond the simple 4% cut, but stretch for months into the future.

The story of this massive cut is here.

Get to bed early Saturday. We lose an hour on Sunday. Daylight Savings time!

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