Scholarships are slavery?

Would you equate slavery with a program of tax credits for contributions to scholarship programs?

No? Then you’re sane.

Yes? Then you’re Sen. Yvonne Miller, who thinks that giving students the ability to go to a school better than her Norfolk schools, which can’t seem to take a test without “irregularities” (we used to call it “cheating”), is the same thing as selling people into slavery.

Watch this psycho-Senator via this video on Tertium Quids, and please tell me how a scholarship is slavery. Heck, Sen. Yvonne Miller raked in some taxpayer bucks working for Norfolk State University for years (and voting for state funds for it….funny how no one cared), and WOW! Norfolk State students get financial aid scholarships! If scholarships are slavery, what would that make Yvonne when she worked for a University?

Of course, Yvonne Miller yet again tops the General Assembly in taking lobbyist gifts and travel reimbursements. A scholarship for a child? Yvonne calls it slavery. Lobbyists taking Yvonne to Florida? Priceless!

Someone obviously forgot to yell “fore” at one of the Senator’s golf tournaments. Is there a doctor in the house?

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