VPOD 90: Del. Chris Jones on the budget

In this episode of Virginia Politics On-Demand, Del. Chris Jones explains the basis for the budget proposed by the House of Delegates and its differences from the State Senate proposal. Also, Shaun and Jim talk budget, the congressional races, and our winners and whiners.

Check out a great primer from the House Appropriations Committee on their budget and more from Del. Lacey Putney. Also, visit the Senate Finance Committee to see more info on their budget.

Related to the “whiners” part of our discussion is Shaun’s great post on “slacktivism” – it is a must read manifesto on social media and blogging.

“[W]ho is driving the conversation? Who is talking to these outlets? Of these intangibles of access and resonance, who is linking and commenting? Is the voice of a particular outlet tabloid or respectable? Moreover, what is the effect of this particular outlet?”


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