59 percent of Virginians agree with McDonnell, say “cut spending”

A new Rasumussen poll is out that puts Gov. Bob McDonnell at a 65% approval rating, but even more interesting going into this budget weekend is that 59% say that McDonnell is right to advocate for cutting government spending or reducing taxes.

Additionally, from the report:

McDonnell’s biggest short-term challenge to date may have been the big snowstorms that hit the state recently, and voters highly approve of the state’s handling of them. Sixty-four percent (64%) rate the state’s response to the storms as good or excellent. Just 10% say the state’s response was poor.

If you look at McDonnell’s favorables just before the election and compare that with those that approve of his job performance to date, they’re statistically the same.

Read more of the report from Rasmussen.

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