National Journal Poll: Jobs Bill and Healthcare Summit

This week’s National Journal Bloggers Poll was on the purported jobs bill and who benefits the most from a healthcare summit.

Yours truly had this to say:

[It helps Republicans more if] Essentially [a] Democratic [jobs] bill enacted

“At this point, despite the offers of bipartisanship from the White House, there are limits to the charity that will be offered from the Speaker. The House will be as liberal as ever and Republicans will oppose their efforts, which should translate to electoral victories in 2010.” J.R. Hoeft, Bearing Drift

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Republicans [will benefit the most from the summit]

“Republicans will demonstrate that they’re serious about working with the president and are proposing serious policy changes with respect to health care. Unfortunately, none of their policies will be accepted by the liberal members of Congress. So Republicans will be able to say that they tried, but were obstructed, despite the president’s best efforts.” J.R. Hoeft, Bearing Drift

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