NoVa Delegate Solution for HRBT: Toll, toll, toll!

In another dead-end idea, this one crafted by a Republican delegate from Leesburg, Delegate Joe May introduced legislation today calling for a $2 toll on the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel and Monitor-Merrimac Bridge-Tunnel. Just to be clear, Del. May’s district sits roughly 208 miles away from the HRBT.

May’s legislation was in response to being ‘somewhat taken aback’ by hearing that funding wasn’t available for routine maintenance on the tunnel in the aftermath of the tunnel shutdown last summer. Funding, not available for a VDOT maintained operation? SHOCKING!

I would hope that Hampton Roads legislators will rope this one off before it gets any traction. However, May is the head of the Transportation Committee as well as chairing the Joint Committee on Transportation Accountability.

In the meantime, as Brian suggested via twitter: Can we vote to put tolls on a Northern Virginia road? Good for goose, ya know.

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