Krystal Ball zings Nye

Blue Virginia has the thoughts of Democratic Candidate for Congress, Krystal Ball, who gives the equivalent of the cold shoulder to Congressman Glenn Nye (D-Virginia Beach) on the Bill Press Show:

“I think [Congressman Tom Perriello] is in a much stronger position going into 2010 than Congressman Nye, who’s been on the other side of all those issues. Because, first and foremost, people really respect, on either side of the aisle, people really respect someone who stands for something, who sticks to their convictions, believes in something and goes out there and does what they think is right…Whereas Congressman Nye, there is a lot of apathy among the Democrats in his district. My district is adjacent to his, so we share some of the same localities, and people are not happy with him….”


I feel bad for Glenn. It’s almost like the popular girl in school (Ball is gaining a lot of traction amongst progressives) basically calling you a dork when you ask her out. Or worse, just calling you a dork in general, whether you ask her out or not.

Wow. I hate high school.

And this statement was pretty sophomoric.

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