CCC and BVBL on the 11th

Perhaps the best postings on what’s happening in the 11th come from Krystle and Greg L.

Krystle writes:

While Herrity would provide a good challenge to Connolly, Fimian has been active with various community and grassroots-related events. During the summer, when Connolly refused to meet with constituents at open townhall-style meetings, Fimian was alongside of the grassroots (tea party) activists calling on Connolly to meet with them and discuss why he would be in support of the health care reform package.

Fimian has been working tirelessly for a rematch against Connolly. When Fimian first ran in 2008, the climate was bad and the voters used the Presidential elections (along with the Congressional) as a referendum against George W. Bush. The tide has changed significantly in the 11th, as Bob McDonnell (and the Republicans) won decisively in the recent elections. There is no doubt that Fimian can win this election against Connolly.

A national GOP official said that they have not actively recruited GOP challengers in the 11th District, as they are confident with Fimian’s ability to fundraise and to get his message across to voters. The official mentioned that Fimian recently raised $500,000, and that he is one of the top 10 challengers to watch this election cycle. This is good news for Fimian, as he was recently named one of the Top Guns by the NRCC.

And Greg seems to think this is a conspiracy by the Washington Post, but his best point is here:

Herrity probably would [perform well against Connolly], if he wasn’t starting a campaign months late and competing in a primary against a candidate endorsed by the House Minority Whip and just about every Republican elected official in the district.

Bottom-line: Herrity should not enter the race. A quick glance at the 2nd and 5th should be reason enough for Republicans in the 11th to rally around Fimian right now.

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