Search for a new communications director begins

As reported by the Washington Post yesterday and confirmed by Tim Murtaugh today, RPV continues its merry-go-round of communication directors; this time with Murtaugh being lured away by the Republican Governors Association.

Murtaugh goes on to work with RGA in the midst of a HUGE year with 37 states holding elections for their top executive.

With Virginia’s governor now about to become Republican, it will be important for the next CD to be able to work with Tucker Martin – the governor’s chief spokesman – who I hear can be a real thorn in the side of anyone. So, I’m not sure why anyone would want the job, frankly.

Yet, the search is likely to be fairly exhaustive and comprehensive.

In Murtaugh’s long list of platitudes and plaudits in his statement to the media, he thanked just about everyone under the sun except for Bearing Drift. Which is fine. We know where he lives.

I found this one particularly interesting though…

“Kim Jorns, our Finance Director…she’s a Packers fan. Go figure.”

Well, with how badly the Redskins play, can you blame her?

Seriously….congratulations, Tim, on a job well done! We’ll miss those great RPV videos. Of course, now we’ll get them from RGA!

PS I know how much you like this photo!!!

PPS Please choose someone who will work with the new media and understands it!!!!!!!

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