Democrat switches Parties – Updated!

A few days ago, I wrote how Parker Griffith and Glenn Nye were the only two Democratic Congressional cosponsors to the bill to end the Death Tax.

Not anymore.

Politico reports that Rep. Griffith, a freshman Dem, is announcing his switch to the GOP today.

Can Nye be far behind?

UPDATE: WAPO lists “voting with their Party” averages:

Griffith 84.5 %
Nye 83.6 %

Nye votes with the Democrats less than the Democrat who switched to the Republicans today!

h/t Mike Gruss


It keeps getting better! The chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Chris Van Hollen, is whining about all the money he gave Rep. Griffith and he wants it all back!

“Mr. Griffith, failing to honor our commitment to him, has a duty and responsibility to return to Democratic Members and the DCCC the financial resources that were invested in him.”

Sounds like you need a bailout, Chris.

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