Another Republican running against Nye

This may be the first candidate to announce a Congressional run on Yahoo!Answers.

Info is here.

After 3 years of a spendthrift Democrat-controlled Congress, isn’t it time for real change in 2010?

Under the Pelosi Congress, Federal spending has gotten out of control with a national debt now hovering above $12 trillion it is vital that we put an end to the Democratic super-majority come 2010 so we can restore some sense of fiscal discipline to the Federal government.
I am running for Congress as a Republican in Virginia’s Second Congressional District for this precise reason: that we cannot afford to be bankrupted by wasteful spending while we lose our competitive edge in the world to China and India. As a father, I would not want my son to grow up in an America where his generation is burdened by debt and America has lost its economic supremacy to growing powers like China.
I am John J. Jannsen, former-Navy SEAL Lieutenant Commander, Naval Academy and MIT graduate and Iraq/Afghanistan war veteran.

How many does that make now? This line is getting almost as long as the lines to vote at the last Republican canvass.

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