Will Democrats accept anything?

Democratic Congressman Glenn Nye looks well on his way to capturing the Party’s nomination.

The Republican Party, that is.

Check this out from the Washington Post. Vote after vote after vote where Nye has ditched Democrats and voted with the Republican leadership.

32 cosponsors to H.R. 3463 to permanently repeal the Estate Tax. 30 Republicans including John Boehner and Eric Cantor…… and Glenn Nye!

And Democrats sit silently and offer nary a whimper.

The US Senate is destroying the Democrat Health Care plan, ditching everything that was promised in the “change” election, and Democrats are silently sleeping. Obama send thousands of troops to fight wars, and there aren’t any Bruce Springsteen concerts attacking Obama. Where are the Dixie Chicks anyway? Where’s the “Rock against Barack” concert calling a President a “warmonger” when he orders a surge?

And Glenn Nye figuratively high fives Eric Cantor day after day in the US House. And Democrats don’t care.

Nye is coasting along to a renomination by the Democrats in the Second District. Not a single Democrat has the nerve to stand up and say, “Congressman Nye, if we wanted a Republican Congressman we would’ve voted for one.” No challenges. No primary.

Come to think of it, that’s how he won in the first place. No Democrat stood up to offer a “choice.”

And they ain’t standing up now. Change? Ha! My guess is Health Care legislation is on the verge of collapse between the House and Senate versions, Cap and Trade is DOA, and the economy continues to sputter along. Democrats aren’t accomplishing a fraction of what they campaigned on.

And since local Democrats seem to be fine with that, they have Glenn Nye to thank for it.

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