Palm Sunday reading at the beginning of Advent?

So, from time to time, I do like to inject a little religion into our conversation here at BD, so, today’s the day.

I was completely stoked yesterday that the reading for the first Sunday in Advent at my Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod parish came from Luke 19.


Not Luke 1. Not even Luke 2. Luke 19.

Why is this cool?

Because so often in “reformed” Religion of modern America we forget the cross. We forget that a tremendous sacrifice had to be paid on behalf of Jesus for our sinful selves.

So, here we were, sitting in the pews of Trinity Lutheran in Norfolk, hearing about Christ seeking a colt to ride into the city of Jerusalem in triumph as the citizens cried “Hossana in the Highest!” a mere four weeks from celebrating Christ’s birth.

I’m excited about this because we are recognizing, by bringing this passage forward, that the arrival of Christ in Bethlehem has ALREADY happened and that the arrival of Christ in Jerusalem has ALREADY happened.

Christ has been born. Christ has died. Christ has risen. Christ will come again! Alleluia!

Looking at the cross and looking at his birth is an incredible comparison that is so often ignored as we celebrate Christmas, and I was glad to hear it yesterday.

That being said, another really striking paragraph from the Gospel jumped out at me.

From Luke 19, Christ sent some disciples into Jerusalem to get a colt that had never been ridden, untie it, and explain to the owner that “The Lord has need of it” as they take it away.

Think about that in modern times.

We’re being bombarded with commercials from Lexus for their “December to remember” sale, right?

What if someone buys a Lexus, brings it to their suburban home, three or four guys right off the city streets come to their door and ask, “give me the key’s to your car, the Lord has need of it”? Would the owner give it to them?

I’m thinking more along the lines that the police might be involved.

At any rate, just some food for thought as we enter this Christmas season and remember why it is we celebrate it – Christ died for our sins, rose from the dead for our salvation, and because of our faith in Him and the grace and mercy given freely by our Lord as taught by the scriptures, we are saved. And what a miracle it was that it even happened – like some random guy in Jerusalem giving up his new colt for the triumphal march into the city.

I hope you all enjoy this Christmas season and our “Advent”ure the next few weeks before we celebrate the birth that made us all free.

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