Victory Tour Breakfast, Henrico

A crowd of about 150 greeted Bob McDonnell and Bill Bolling in Henrico County this morning at 7:30 at the Silver Diner in Innsbrook. GOP Chairman Michael Steele was on hand and spoke with optimism about the future of the GOP. McDonnell and Bolling also reflected optimism, but are determined to run as though 10 points behind in the polls right up until election day. They also expressed much appreciation for the local people on the ground, and for veterans. Sen. Walter Stosch was there, wearing a Veterans for McDonnell t-shirt, as were other veterans.

McDonnell’s speech hit the notes voters want to hear, saying “People want to know that their leaders care about their fiscal future.”

Random notes from the event: McDonnell said of Steele, “I’m in awe, being in the presence of… my biggest donor!” [ has the RNC as one of the biggest donors, as of their latest update]. Steele had a few words about the importance and duties of Lt. Gov.s, as he was one, in Maryland – break ties, cut ribbons, and check the Governor’s medical records. (Laughter from Bill Bolling and John Hager. It’s a very old joke but still funny). For all the abuse from some on the right that Steele takes, there were a lot of people who wanted their picture taken with him. Cuccinelli was not there.

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