Gosport.Conspectus – 10.25.09

Chapter II…

– What a horrendous week for Creigh Deeds. Just brutal.

– Still waiting for anyone to explain justification for voting for Deeds. Which policies work for you vs McDonnell’s?

– Young Democrats boast about walking 600 doors over the course of a weekend (looking at you vbdems) Young Republicans today walked over 1000 doors in 3 hours. Yeah, there’s no enthusiasm gap…

– PPP polled Bob McDonnell vs Tim Kaine. Bob McDonnell won 51% / 43%. This isn’t Obama anger spurring him on folks.

– Hearing some internal house polling numbers:

83rd – Chris Stolle +12
82nd -Bob Purkey +8
21st – Ron Villanueva 0 (dead heat)
80th – Jennifer Lee -7 (62% undecided)
64th – Stan Clark -2

– Hated seeing Jeff McWaters and Rosemary Wilson signs all over Virginia Beach. Going to be a lot of confused voters next Tuesday in the 8th Senate District.

– Jody Wagner announces her candidacy for the 8th Senate District November 4th. Mark it.

– Obama’s visit Tuesday hurts Deeds more than it helps.

– Last Friday, Deeds campaign announces campaign to court hard-Dems. Obama announces visit. Saturday WaPo endorses Deeds. Best three day period for Deeds yet.

– Monday, CNU poll +14. Tuesday, Obama coming to Hampton Roads, not NoVA where Dems are. Tuesday, SurveyUSA +19. Tuesday, bails on public option, alienates Dems. Wednesday, PPP +12. Thursday, begins airing Anti-Cap & Trade ad, further alienates Dems. Friday, White House ends Deeds chances. Worst five day period for Deeds yet.

– Over/under for combined statewide candidate win margins? +/- 18? I’d take the over.

– If you haven’t heard Steve Beuerlein stump for Bob McDonnell, you are missing out. Throwing some great red meat on Saturday. Plus he threw a pass across the room to a sprinting Bob McDonnell!

– Just think…after November 3rd we got a three day break, then a McWaters/Wilson forum on the 7th, plus gearing up for the 2nd District nomination fight. Gotta love Virginia politics.

Late night and a long weekend, till next time folks…

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