Does any Delegate really believe felons should work on school property?

One of the interesting things about campaigns is that we finally get to scrutinize all the ridiculous votes that a legislator makes during the General Assembly.

It’s very telling about whether a Delegate is actually paying attention or just going with the flow.

Such is the case with Del. Bobby Mathieson.

A whole lot of Democrats opposed making it easier for felons to work on school property.

Joe Bouchard said no. Kenny Alexander said no. Kris Amundson said no. Brian Moran said no. Even Democratic candidate for AG Steve Shannon voted no.

But Bobby Mathieson said yes.

HB 1481 – The bill was overwhelmingly rejected on the House floor. Why did all those Democrats disagree with Bobby Mathieson and side with Republicans to keep felons from working in our public schools?

What this is telling us is that, at worst, Bobby Mathieson thinks felons ought to work on school property next to our children, or at best, he’s an ineffective legislator who doesn’t read bills and doesn’t even know when to change his vote. Seriously, even Joe Bouchard knew to change his vote.

To paraphrase a famous film, “Felon – I do not think that it means what you think it means”


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