Virginian-Pilot and Sen. Tommy Norment

Can I have Bill Sizemore’s job?

All I have to do is Xerox the same article every day with a banner headline on the front page criticizing Sen. Tommy Norment who teaches at a university (3 stories this week, plus a giant sop from the partisans on the Editorial Board).

Bill shouldn’t be asking questions about whether someone deserves a salary. Someone above him may ask the same of him.

Let’s not write about Sen. Yvonne Miller, who was employed by Norfolk State University for 15 years while in the legislature, back before the Pilot thought it was a scandal to do so.

Yvonne’s a Democrat. Normant’s a Republican.

Let’s not talk about the healthy paycheck Sen. John Miller gets from Christopher Newport University. Or Sen. Mamie Locke from Hampton University.

And let’s definitely not talk about how Del. Bouchard manages to direct “Government Sales” for Cox Communications right after voting on the budget for….governments.

They’re all Democrats. Bill Sizemore doesn’t think they warrant a front-page story three days out of four. Just Republican Sen. Tommy Normant who did absolutely nothing wrong.

And there’s no bias at the Pilot.

Yeah…no journalistic ethics either.

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