Senator Creigh Deeds is a Coward (on transportation at least)

Deeds’ transportation ‘plan’?

From the WaPo, penned by the yellow-bellied Creigh Deeds himself:

I believe we should use the only approach that has succeeded in the past two decades.
The day after I’m elected, I will begin(emphasis added) assembling a bipartisan commission to craft a comprehensive transportation package.

The day AFTER, you’ll BEGIN to start working on fixing transportation? Cowardice! Senator Deeds, I hate to break this to you in September, 40-some-odd days before the election, but a ‘bi-partisan commission’ does not constitute a plan. Indeed, note the definition of the word plan:

A program or policy stipulating a service or benefit

It is insulting to voters to be arguing in September that the best action for the arguably most important priority facing Virginians today is to DO NOTHING; make no mistake, a leader who doesn’t have the courage to take the lead on an issue as crucial to our great Commonwealth as transportation is a coward.

Deeds attempts to cover up his spineless bullet points by painting it as ‘bi-partisan’. Ironically, this would mean Deeds himself will have little if anything to do with actually formulating any substance AGAIN, improving Senator Deeds’ cowardice to 2 for 2 on transporation. This is not the way a leader acts, let alone a Governor. Deeds’ icing on the cake? He assures us, he will raise taxes! Whoo hoo!

Senator Deeds, I say to you what Bob McDonnell is too polite to say: you are a coward who is scared to lead.

Your ‘me too’ answers were bad enough, but to have the sheer audacity to submit NOTHING as your plan for the paramount issue facing Virginians? You are not a leader that I will ever vote for, and thankfully, you’re clearly not a leader that Virginians will vote for either.

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