The Left attacks those who defend Virginia

Those quaint non-partisan folks who never say a mean word about anyone: Move On, whom I wish actually would, who was calling Presidents “Hitler” long before Town Meetings were so popular, has teamed with the Sierra Club, who is so “non-partisan” they are still streaming Barack Obama campaign ads on their website, the League of Consternation…er, Conservation Voters, and Americans United to Change the United States into a European Socialist State (I think that’s what they’re called). You can double check here.

The mission of these global-warming-believing, saving-trees-while-playing-wooden-guitars Kumbaya types? Attack Republicans Frank Wolf and Eric Cantor for opposing cap and trade legislation in tv ads.

They aren’t attacking Glenn Nye for casting the same vote. See, Nye’s a Democrat. These groups just aren’t into being non-partisan, bipartisan, or anything but partisan, negative and shrill.

Of course, this study shows the Democrats’ Cap and Tax mess will cost Virginia around 50,000 jobs.

But what does that matter to the doomsday crowd who’ll actually say they want to convert “shorelines” into “natural areas that are free of human habitations.” No kidding!!!!

The Sierra Club lists right here that they want humans out of beachfronts. Move those houses. Surrender your property. The Sierra Club says so.

They don’t mention that in their Virginia Beach press conferences, though.

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