Disagree with Liberals – Go out of business

Have an opinion different than Obama about health care? The left wants you out of work.

“Here’s a thought,” added Beutler (of TPM DC). “If you own a major supermarket chain that caters to a great deal of liberal-minded people with money, don’t rail against the evils of health care reform in The Wall Street Journal.”

Wow. What could this man have done?

At Daily Kos, blogger DarkSyde wondered if Mackey had lost sight of his demographic — “Mr. Mackey, I’m not sure if you understand who it is that shops at your organic grocery chain”

The CEO of Whole Foods, John Mackey, wrote an editorial in the Wall Street Journal offering eight alternatives to the Democrats’ health care takeover (NYT).

So now the “Boycott Whole Foods” movement has 11,000 facebook members, and lefty bloggers are trying to run them out of business.

Nice to see cool-headed, open-minded, free-spirited liberalism, ain’t it?

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