McDonnell Not Taking Lead for Granted

Two quick notes from the Women for McDonnell rally Tuesday in Henrico, Va. One: the mood of the crowd was good. People can see that McDonnell seems to be running his campaign well; and people outside of the usual politically-interested crowd are waking up to the many, many changes Obama and congressional Democrats want to make. These things make voting for the Republican McDonnell an appealing idea. Two: McDonnell is not taking his current lead for granted. In fact, he reminded the crowd that Obama will be writing large checks, unions will be door-knocking, etc. There is a whole lot of money from outside Virginia coming into this race. (I can add: Hey Virginia, cherish the wonderful lack of TV ads now. I’m sure it won’t last). In fact, he arrived at the very end of the rally and could have blown off the event, but he knows he has to keep supporters motivated, and a personal appearance is unmatched for that.
(Photo note after the jump).

Exposure 1 second, ISO 1600, f/5.6. Exposure brought up, lots of sharpening, then a little blur added in Photoshop.

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