Chevron: Drill Ship goes to 12,000 feet

One of the interesting developments in the oil and natural gas industry is the newer capability to use ships to do the drilling vice platforms. It provides more versatility and mobility for the industry.

As we continue our own interest in Virginia’s offshore energy, one company we might want to keep watch on is Chevron.

Energy Tomorrow just posted that Chevron now has a ship that can drill 12,000 feet under water and upwards of 40,000 feet of well.

The ship, which is being used int he Gulf of Mexico, will be able to eclipse the previous drilling record in the Gulf of 10,011 feet, also held by Chevron.

Check out this drilling animation and station keeping animation too.

In related news, the Virginia Commission on Energy and the Environment will hear testimony Tuesday regarding the potential for offshore oil, gas and wind energy development in Virginia (Senate Room A in the General Assembly Building, 10 a.m.), as well as an update to the 2007 Virginia Energy Plan, which calls for a 20% increase in Virginia energy production.

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