Waxman-Markey to cost Virginians thousands of jobs; Deeds placates progressives with extreme view

A new study has been released by the American Council for Capitol Formation and the National Association of Manufacturers and found that Virginia stands to lose between 41,400 and 56,400 jobs by 2030 due to the Waxman-Markey “National Energy Tax/Cap-and-Trade” bill.

The study also found that energy costs go up, GDP goes down, output from industry goes down, those on fixed and lower income are most impacted, and that state and local revenues go down, which means less government spending on things like schools, hospitals, law enforcement, etc.

Bob McDonnell, Republican candidate for governor, spoke about this study in a recent release:

“My opponent in this campaign has refused to join me in sending a joint letter to our United States Senators expressing our opposition to this measure. He has repeatedly expressed his belief that this legislation will not impact Virginians. That could not be more incorrect,” said McDonnell. “My opponent supports federal cap and trade legislation. Today he made clear he will raise the gas tax if elected governor. Virginians are hurting. They cannot afford the implementation of policies, federal or state, that take more money out of their wallets in the worst economy in 25 years. “

The energy bill is in the Senate now awaiting debate and final passage. Contact Sen. Mark Warner and Sen. Jim Webb to tell them your thoughts on this bill.

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