Deeds – makin’ it up as he goes along

Earlier today we learned that Bath County is in Southwest Virginia, according to Creigh Deeds. (And to think, he once chastised me for getting his address wrong; at least I was only 30 minutes away – not five hours!)

Now, he’s making up quotes for Bob McDonnell:

“When Bob McDonnell says people in this part of the state would rather have welfare than jobs, it’s not only offensive, it shows he just doesn’t get Virginia,” said Deeds.

The Washington post corrects the Democratic candidate for governor:

“It was Mullins who made the welfare quote, not McDonnell himself–though you wouldn’t have necessarily gotten that from Deeds comments during the call.”

What else will Creigh Deeds make up as this campaign progresses? He certainly will not make-up ground in the polls if he keeps this up.

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