Deeds looks to polling and castration to change momentum?

Shaun has two interesting posts up this weekend about Democratic gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds.

First, Deeds justifies his “experience” in dealing with the Virginia economy by claiming that he knows how to “castrate” animals (Personally, we don’t need to go that far; spending cuts is the only cutting we really need).

Second, Democrats have called into Virginia “Public Policy Polling” again – a mere month after their last one. After both Survey USA and Rasmussen have shown McDonnell to have the lead (Survey USA by double-digits and a nine-point swing to McDonnell in Rasmussen), the Deeds camp likely senses they need a poll to show narrower margins and stop the McDonnell momentum.

Shaun writes:

Deeds isn’t in freefall just yet, but when someone is constantly checking the temperature of the patient, that’s not a sign that Democrats internally are thinking surge — they’re trying to stop the bleeding.


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