Two Can Play

Steve Shannon is going negative early. With lousy poll numbers and a demontrated lack of substance, he must be trying to find something to pin on Cuccinelli. And it looks like he’s had to search long and hard.

While Cuccinelli has succeeded in convincing the Governor to call a special session to deal with the Melendez-Diaz decision, Shannon has been reduced to massaging the historical record and joining his running mates’ “me too” chorus.

Seems like Shannon’s crack team has produced a web ad accusing Cuccinelli of failing to denounce comments made by GOP delegate candidate. But two can play at that game – and when it comes to incindiary comments made by a delegate candidate, well, let’s just say that Shannon shouldn’t have opened that can of worms. The A Democrat candidate for delegate in the 35th has famously said that the “jihad way is the way to liberate our land” and he stands with those who are following that way.

Steve Shannon, will you lead by example? Will you denounce Esam Omeish’s ‘share in the jihad’ rhetoric? I have never assumed before that Shannon shared Omeish’s anti-Israel / pro-jihad beliefs, but if he hasn’t denounced them (the way his web ad assumes Cuccinelli should do with Crabill) – so, should we start making such assumptions?

As observed in the comments, the Democrat nominee for the 35th district – Shannon’s seat – is Mark Keam (who garnered 55% of the vote in a four way nomination contest). Given his negative start to the campaign, I’d still be curious to know from Democrat insiders if Shannon had disassociated himself from Omeish’s remarks during that nomination contest. Or Jim Moran’s anti-semitic remarks. Or Obama’s comment about clinging to guns and religion? They are Democrat leaders of much greater note than Crabill is of GOP note… heck, I hadn’t heard of her until quite recently…

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