Doug Wilder: Deeds becoming a “me, too”

We’ve noticed. Other blogs noticed. The media has noticed.

And Doug Wilder has noticed

“Former Democratic Gov. L. Douglas Wilder said Wednesday that his party’s gubernatorial nominee, R. Creigh Deeds, is at risk of becoming the “me, too” candidate.” (Washington Times)

Wilder spoke about the upcoming special session and the call for restitution for a man wrongfully convicted.

“Who called for that first?” asked Mr. Wilder, who noted that Mr. McDonnell has been ahead of his opponent in laying out a transportation policy, in pressing for the special session and in seeking help for Mr. Whitfield. “And Mr. Deeds said, ‘Me, too.’ ”

“Virginians look for leadership. Who is going to be there on what issue,” Mr. Wilder added. “Unfortunately, when that happens and the other candidate says, ‘I support that too,’ ” you don’t look like a strong leader. If you thought that, why didn’t you say it?”

McDonnell’s definitely on a roll.

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